NoNo Has The BEST Dad!

This year is already Chris’ 2nd Father’s Day! Not to down play the first one but Chris has actually been able to show what type of Father he is since then. He’s been pretty involved from the beginning but early on all Noah did was pretty much nurse & sleep. Not difficult parenting.

So I figured a way to honor Chris on Father’s Day, is to say what I appreciate about Chris as a father and then what I think Noah would say if he could talk.

Here I go…

I appreciate that Chris really encouraged me to not return to my job once Noah was born. He knew that this would automatically put more financial responsibility on him. But he believed our desire to raise Noah the way we saw fit out weighed the added responsibility.

I also appreciate how patient he can be with Noah. After working all day at a trying job, he will still work patiently with Noah. When Noah has something he’s not supposed to have, he doesn’t just snatch it out of his hands. (That would obviously make Noah upset and isn’t very kind.) Instead he’ll talk to him & have him either put it back or give it to Chris. Unless it’s dangerous but he still explains the situation to Noah & says that it’s unsafe for him to have.

I appreciate that when he comes home there is no expectation that a hot meal will be waiting. Do you know how hard it is to try & prep a healthy meal when your kid is awake?! I can sometimes utilize nap time but some times I need a nap too!

I love to hear Chris read books to Noah. He uses voices and expressions better than anyone I’ve heard. My favorite one to hear him read is Pajama Time. If you don’t have the book Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton, you must get it! Click here for more info.


I appreciate when he has “man time” with Noah so that I can meet up with friends or go grocery shopping by myself.

He’s understanding when I’m tired, hungry, grumpy or lazy. He doesn’t expect me to be Suzy Homemaker everyday let alone with a smile always on my face. My “job” is also overwhelming at times & my little “boss” can be difficult.

Now what I see that Noah loves about his Dad…

He gives the best baths! This is our time when Momma is doing who knows what.

You love to take pictures of me having fun or even when I’m being a stinker butt.

You remind Momma that I’m learning! I love to explore and figure my world out and you allow me to do just that. You also teach me about my world when that isn’t always the easy option.

I enjoy making people smile when I do the evil laugh you taught me.

You tell (and sign) “I love you” to me when you say goodbye or goodnight.

You read books way better than Momma! She tries but just can’t do it like you.

I miss you during the day, but I’m glad that I get to hang out with Mom. I know you’re working hard so that she can stay home with me.

Chris does so much more than what’s listed above!

I really can’t begin to write down all the amazing, helpful, funny, encouraging, respectful and loving traits. He’s not only a great father but a great husband.

Some men are just a good father OR good a husband.

Some men are neither!

I’m fortunate that Chris values being both a great father and husband. It is just one more way that he’s learning to be a good example for our son.

I love you and Happy Father’s Day!


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