
If you’ve ever bitten into a honeycrisp apple, it probably wasn’t your last. I used to not even know about this type apple. Eventually I saw them at the grocery store but they were almost double the price of my preferred Fuji apples. I figured it was a good apple but I wasn’t willing to try it, due to the cost.

Then one time at my inlaws’ house they sliced up some honeycrisp apples and I was hooked. Now I still didn’t buy them until they were significantly on sale, I was a college student after all!

Fast-forward almost 10 years and we took Noah in search of these deliciously crisp apples. We started a New Family Tradition: Apple Picking in 2013. Noah was 2 years old and it was the first time for both he and I to pick apples. I didn’t even know that come the end of August you need to keep the next few weeks of your calendar clear, because when the honeycrips are ready for picking you better not have any other plans. Around here they go pretty quick because they are one of the first apples to be ready and they’re a favorite for many. There are some orchards that don’t even do a U-Pick for honeycrisps because they send them off to Chicago for a premium.

The last two years we’ve gone to Springhope Farm in Galien, MI to pick apples. Last year, Emma had her first experience and our neighbors joined us too. We have been happy with Springhope’s apples, the cost, their hours of operation and these sweet little rolls of pure sugary delight. If you know me well, you know we do not usually indulge in sweets, these are the exception. These handmade fruit flavored rolls are approximately 4″ long and probably 1/4″ in diameter. I should have taken a picture but we devoured them pretty quickly. We tried apricot, apple pie, peach, orange and lemon, with peach being my favorite.

After eating the fruit rolls we went on a relaxing wagon ride while the kids finished snacking on their apples. This time a tractor pulled it but last year they had the beautiful horses hitched to the front. While this is a simple ride around the orchard, the kids seem to love it. When our ride was done we piled back into the car and headed home with 45 pounds of delicious honeycrip goodness.

Here are a few pictures from our time there.


New Family Tradition: Apple Picking

This year we went apple picking. For Noah and I it was the first time, as Chris had gone as a kid. We went up to Stover’s Farm in Berrien Springs, Michigan to get our favorite apples, honey crisp.

Since I didn’t know just what to expect, I thought it’d be best to take an extra set of hands and our jogging stroller. My sister-in-law was able to join us for this fun little trip.

Side note: Save your pennies and make sure you buy a jogging stroller because it handles just about any terrain! (It’s not just for jogging!)

We started the trip with a stop at Starbucks. Chris got a doppio, I had a chai tea latte and Danielle had a spiced apple drink. With our warm beverages in hand, we were off.

We were able to escape South Bend before the craziness began to unfold for the Notre Dame vs. Michigan State football game. Chris’ road rage did peek it’s nasty head a little as some of the fans don’t like to obey the rules of the road.

In about 40 minutes we were at our destination and ready to pick some apples! We ended up using the stroller in the orchard because it was a little walk from the parking lot.

On the way out to the honey crisp area we passed some pretty smart parents. They were carrying their child back from the orchard and used the stroller for the heavy apples. Genius!

Since Noah enjoyed walking around and picking a few apples himself, this method worked well for us too. Between the 45 lbs we picked for ourselves and the ones for our friends and family members; we had a ton of apples!

The great thing about picking them yourself is how cheap it is! Honey crisp apples, on sale, are hardly ever under $2/lb. They’re normally anywhere from $3-$4/lb and we got ours for .99/lb plus had fun while picking them.

You might wonder how we’re going to use 45 lbs of apples. Let me tell you.

I eat about 2-3 apples a day.
Noah will eat 1/2-1 apple a day.
Chris eats at least 3 apples a day but sometimes more.

We were also thinking we’d can some spiced apple slices, but I think we’ll be able to eat them before they go bad.

I’m sure an apple pie or apple crisp will be in our future too!

Happy 95th Birthday, Grandpa!

When I was still dating Chris, his family treated me like one of them. In fact, one of my first interactions with Chris’ dad at their home, is very memorable.

I can’t remember the exact circumstance or why it happened, I just know that he and I still joke about it. He went from sitting in the wing-backed chair to “getting horizontal” (simply laying on the floor) all while making ridiculous barking noises.

What a first impression?!

He and Chris both believe in the philosophy of being yourself from day one. No hidden craziness to find months or years later. I guess they like to lead with the craziness so you can’t ever say you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into.

Chris’ grandparents also took me in as another one of their grandchildren. All of my grandparents had passed away by the time I graduated high school, so it was nice to have grandparents again.

It is pretty unusual that Chris has 3 of his grandparents still living and at their ages. If I’m remembering correctly, they’re all in or almost in their 90s. Today is actually his Grandfather’s 95th birthday!

I’ve really enjoyed Grandpa and Grandma also being my grandparents. They live about 5 minutes from us and currently come over once a week to spend time with Noah and I. I’m pretty sure it is more about Noah than me, but, according to them, it’s the highlight of their week.

Grandma is all about making sure Noah is happy spoiled. She’ll act like she’s trying to hide her cane so he won’t notice it and want to play with it. As soon as he sees it, she’s like putty in his little chunky-monkey hands. She’ll have him sit on her knee and bounce him up and down while he’s holding the cane.

It’s like he’s the drum major of the marching band. Within seconds he’s got his band (Grandpa and Grandma) following his lead. They’ll create sounds and dance along to his motions. It really is a site to see.

I love to watch them interact with Noah.

Grandpa will build towers with Noah’s blocks, roll the ball to him, play pretend tea party, and read him stories.

He also is thrilled when Noah goes into the kitchen and pulls out the chairs for he and Grandma. Since they visit over lunch time, they love to interact with Noah while he eats and he loves to put on a show for them.

Grandpa cares a lot about the legacy he will leave. I can tell you that he will leave a hole in our lives, for sure. Just this week we’ve seen just how fragile his life can be. He’s had three mini strokes over the past few days. The doctors are taking measures to ensure that future clotting is prevented.

Have these mini strokes gotten Grandpa down?

I’m sure it reminds both he and Grandma that they both won’t live forever. In spite of this knowledge, they are firmly grounded in their faith and take comfort in knowing that their steps are guided.

Grandpa lives for his family and it’s been an honor to be included as a member of his family.

Even as I’m writing this I’m thinking about all of the different interactions we’ve had over the past ten years. He has just returned to the hospital, this time via an ambulance, due to more stroke-like symptoms.

With uncertainty looming over this situation, I take comfort in the strength of our family. Everyone has joined together to take care of the needs of both Grandpa and Grandma. From phone calls to prayers to errands to waiting in the ER or to spending the night with Grandma. No matter the results of the next few days, weeks or months; we’ve taken the journey as a family.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Plenty of Love

Today is an exciting day for our family! We’re going to find out if my brother-in-law and his wife are having a girl or a boy. (Be honest, did you think we had an announcement?!)

We’re pretty sure it’ll be announced that a baby girl will be joining us around Christmas. Yet we’re only guessing.

We’ve tried to decipher the clues that have surrounded Jennifer’s day to day during her pregnancy….

Her love of sweet juicy peaches and other fruits.

The time of day of her morning sickness.

How she is carrying the baby.

Where she aches.

Yet none of the clues are proof of anything except that she’s carrying a sweet little baby.

The neat thing about this baby is that it’ll be loved by so many!

I’ve seen just how much our family loves Noah and then there’s Jen’s side of the family too.

We’re all anticipating the arrival of this little bundle and the love we have for him/her continues to grow.

The amazing thing about love is that there isn’t a limited amount. It’s not like Noah and the new baby have to split the current amount of love. Our love will grow to engulf them both.

Sure they’ll be different and make us smile in different ways, but they’ll be immensely loved.

Pretty amazing!

Oh, and as soon as it’s “Facebook official” I’ll be sure to share the gender.

Now I’m off to do a few more things during munchkin’s nap so that we won’t be late for the party!

So Noah & I dressed up to show off our guess.

I’m lucky enough to have a friend that let me borrow a cute pink dress and shoes.

Noah wore a onesie that said my Auntie Rocks and a tutu! Of course his Auntie Rocks, she growing little Miss Caroline.


Vacation Was Great!

Life has been a little busy since vacation so I haven’t had much time to sit and write. I’ve had to work on this post over a couple of days. I’m hoping to get back to writing more soon, but I don’t want to write just to write.

That being said, here’s my update on our vacation from a couple of weeks ago.


So unfortunately my little Noah baby wasn’t feeling well when we went to Holland, Michigan to visit family. He was a little out of sorts the day before we left but that didn’t impede getting packed for vacation. To read about our preparations click here .

As promised, I told you I’d check in to see if our preparations paid off.

True to my nature we were over prepared but not by much this time. Now we did take swimming stuff that we didn’t use but that was due to the combination of weather and Noah not feeling well. I only had a couple of extra outfits for Noah that we didn’t use. Plus I did have a lot of regular cloth diapers & an overnight diaper that we didn’t use. Yet, I feel like with a kid you always want to have extra clothes and diapers!

Vacation was nice a relaxing!

I’m fortunate enough, that I have an involved and supportive mother-in-law. She was very mindful of me as well as Noah while we were gone. It was nice that she’d ask me if I’d like to take a shower while she’d watch him or even prepare and eat a plate of food for myself while she fed Noah. I didn’t feel overwhelmed or alone in the midst of a crowd, thanks to her! I also know that I could ask for her help at anytime (and I did sometimes) but it is even better when she initiated.

When Noah is sick, he’s super snuggly.

The night before we left he woke up a couple of times, which is rare. So the last time before we needed to get up and going, we snuggled while he got a little extra sleep. The first night we were in Holland he woke up like 3 or 4 times before I went to bed, so I thought I’d let him sleep with me. I was thinking this would mean more sleep for both of us and if he woke I’d be able to easily get him back to sleep. Since the rooms we were all staying it were close together, I was hoping to not disturb everyone else when he woke up.

Worst. Idea. Ever!

I should have known better because I’ve seen this kid sleep on our video monitor.

He was all over the place!
Head in my back.
Feet in my back.
Arm over my chest.

Then there were all the little noises he makes. I was up non stop to make sure he was still breathing, hadn’t fallen off the bed, readjusting how he was sleeping, and just normal tossing and turning. Thankfully, he slept in so I was able to get more sleep.

We also enjoyed taking in the outside scene.

Even though it wasn’t sunny, the temperature was still warm along with a warm breeze. We enjoyed looking at Lake Michigan while we were in the hammock swing atop the bluff. We also ate meals out on the deck while listening to the waves crash on the shore or boats going by. It was relaxing to just sit outside and talk.

Remember, I told you that you’d be jealous!

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to visit with these family members. I’ve seen them but it’s normally difficult to truly engage in conversation. We normally see them at an event and we’re busy with Noah. It was nice to be able to interact in a low key setting, just doing every day things.

Overall, I’d say our preparations helped make the vacation less stressful.

Being surrounded by helpful made vacation relaxing.

Spending time caring for my sick son, even on vacation, was actually enjoyable. (Call me crazy but it’s because I love that little guy so much!)

I’m glad we were able to be with family even though we missed Chris.

Oh, and another tip…

Always unpack within 24 hours of being home. In fact the sooner the better. Otherwise, for us, we just end up leaving the suitcases in the way and slowly remove items as we need them.

So once we got home Noah and I took a nap. My nap was shorter so I unpacked before Noah even woke up. I was also able to start a load of cloth diapers and get us ready for our family event the next day.

We were back to normal in no time!

Vacation Prep Doesn’t Have To Be Stressful

Even the most enjoyable vacations can be somewhat ruined by all the preparations & unpacking. However, I feel like a few things have helped me for my upcoming vacay. The most important…

Make a lot of lists!

Yup, this means you have to plan ahead a little and have about thirty minutes of uninterrupted time. About a week before the departure day I sat down and made a few lists.

I figured just thinking about our tentative schedule would help me be as prepared as possible. I then thought…

What do I need for myself?
What items should I take for Noah?
What food will we make there?
What food will I make & take with us?
What can I do now to make coming back home easier?

After answering those questions I made my lists on my phone. I normally have it on me so I can easily add items that I think of at random moments.

  • I made a grocery list that included items for the trip, for hubby while we’re gone, and the couple of days once we return.
  • I made a packing list on my phone and then made a copy. One is my master list and the copy allows me to delete items as I pack them. I’ll use the master list again when we’re packing up from vacation to make sure we don’t leave any items behind.
  • I created a staging area for all the packed items, except the fresh foods. I’m using an extra room to store these items so that they’re out of my way but close enough to easily pack. I’ll probably also do this when unpacking.
  • Any food that has to be refrigerated is in a drawer and hubby has been told that drawer is off limits.
  • Every day this week, I’ve washed all the dishes from that day so that I don’t have a huge amount to do the day before I go. Hopefully hubby will do his dishes while we’re gone. Hint. Hint. Good thing he reads my blog, huh?!
  • Almost all of my laundry is caught up. I personally don’t have a lot of clothes so I had I do this in order to pack. Plus now I’ll just have less to do when we come back. The small amount of dirty clothes I have left will just get added to the loads when we come home.
  • I don’t have anything planned the evening before we leave. This will allow me to do any last minute errands or packing with no worries. I’ll still be able to go to bed at a normal time (hopefully Noah cooperates with this) and not have to be stressed.
  • I normally try to not have anything planned the day after we get back. However, this time we weren’t able to do that. No biggie! We’re going to be able to see my brother and his family that live in Nebraska and we don’t see often. Yet to balance that out, we’re arriving back from vacation early enough to get semi readjusted before Noah’s bed time.
  • Oh and don’t plan on your kid(s) to care that you have a lot to do before & after your vacation. Don’t assume they’ll be super compliant while you run around crazy. For me, it’s planning ahead that allows me to do a little here and there so if Junior wants to be held all day the day before we leave, it’s no big deal.

I’ll let you know if these preparations helped at all once we return. Until then, be jealous!

I’m going to be headed to Lake Michigan to spend time with family. Fortunately, they love to interact with Noah so I’ll have help. Plus I’ll be enjoying the beautiful view of the lake, falling asleep to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore & my feet in the sand.

Jealous yet?!

NoNo Has The BEST Dad!

This year is already Chris’ 2nd Father’s Day! Not to down play the first one but Chris has actually been able to show what type of Father he is since then. He’s been pretty involved from the beginning but early on all Noah did was pretty much nurse & sleep. Not difficult parenting.

So I figured a way to honor Chris on Father’s Day, is to say what I appreciate about Chris as a father and then what I think Noah would say if he could talk.

Here I go…

I appreciate that Chris really encouraged me to not return to my job once Noah was born. He knew that this would automatically put more financial responsibility on him. But he believed our desire to raise Noah the way we saw fit out weighed the added responsibility.

I also appreciate how patient he can be with Noah. After working all day at a trying job, he will still work patiently with Noah. When Noah has something he’s not supposed to have, he doesn’t just snatch it out of his hands. (That would obviously make Noah upset and isn’t very kind.) Instead he’ll talk to him & have him either put it back or give it to Chris. Unless it’s dangerous but he still explains the situation to Noah & says that it’s unsafe for him to have.

I appreciate that when he comes home there is no expectation that a hot meal will be waiting. Do you know how hard it is to try & prep a healthy meal when your kid is awake?! I can sometimes utilize nap time but some times I need a nap too!

I love to hear Chris read books to Noah. He uses voices and expressions better than anyone I’ve heard. My favorite one to hear him read is Pajama Time. If you don’t have the book Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton, you must get it! Click here for more info.


I appreciate when he has “man time” with Noah so that I can meet up with friends or go grocery shopping by myself.

He’s understanding when I’m tired, hungry, grumpy or lazy. He doesn’t expect me to be Suzy Homemaker everyday let alone with a smile always on my face. My “job” is also overwhelming at times & my little “boss” can be difficult.

Now what I see that Noah loves about his Dad…

He gives the best baths! This is our time when Momma is doing who knows what.

You love to take pictures of me having fun or even when I’m being a stinker butt.

You remind Momma that I’m learning! I love to explore and figure my world out and you allow me to do just that. You also teach me about my world when that isn’t always the easy option.

I enjoy making people smile when I do the evil laugh you taught me.

You tell (and sign) “I love you” to me when you say goodbye or goodnight.

You read books way better than Momma! She tries but just can’t do it like you.

I miss you during the day, but I’m glad that I get to hang out with Mom. I know you’re working hard so that she can stay home with me.

Chris does so much more than what’s listed above!

I really can’t begin to write down all the amazing, helpful, funny, encouraging, respectful and loving traits. He’s not only a great father but a great husband.

Some men are just a good father OR good a husband.

Some men are neither!

I’m fortunate that Chris values being both a great father and husband. It is just one more way that he’s learning to be a good example for our son.

I love you and Happy Father’s Day!


The Next Ten Years

My littlest sister, Jamie, graduates from high school today.

I’m very happy for her. Real adult life begins after high school.

It’s been TEN years since I too was getting ready to graduate.

I was excited to move out & be in charge of my life!

As a part of all graduation ceremonies, graduates are challenged to take life by the horns and achieve greatness.

Have I accomplished this?

A lot has happened for me since high school and I’ve crossed off most of what I wanted to accomplish, in the “next 10 years”.

Go to college….check

Get married….check

Graduate college….check

Get a job teaching….check

Become a mom….check

Now what?

I didn’t think past becoming a mom. I just knew I wanted to be a mom and just figured the rest would continue to fall into place.

Like Jamie, I’m at that point that I have to decide what’s next.

This is now determined as a family but to me that’s the exciting part!

Chris & I want to do more than just work, pay our bills & raise our family.

We’ve got the desire to do more. Be more. Give more.

I believe, the next 10 years are the foundational years of our family. We’ll accomplish a lot of firsts & begin to define what it means to be the Chris Sautter Family. Hopefully we’ll add one more bundle of joy in the next couple of years & be complete.

Once we’re a complete family unit, then what?

Sure, I enjoy the life we have now! But what experiences could we have as a family?

How will we as a family do more? Be more? Give more?

We’ve got a couple of thoughts but we’re open to suggestions, advice & stories.

Please let me know what you think!

For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow!

Have you ever wondered how your job has shaped you into the person that you are today?

I’ve been working since I was 17. In almost 10 years as an employee I’ve had five jobs until staying home with Noah.

Let’s reflect.

I’ve been a Sandwich Artist at Subway. (1yr)

Then off to Steak ‘n Shake or Chuck ‘n Shake as my father-in-law would tease. (5yrs)

I still believe that this job has made me who I am.

My friend worked there first so I thought it’d be cool to work with her.

However, the idea of talking to people I didn’t know for longer than “Hello, what sandwich would you like? Bread? Cheese? Veggies? Sauce? Combo?”….

….Simply freaked me out!

Then I got the hang of it. I began to really enjoy getting to know people. Being a part of their family meal experience & The Regulars. I still meet one of them for breakfast every once in awhile.

I then graduated college & began to pay my dues as a substitute teacher while waiting tables on Saturdays. (1yr)

Then I was finally teaching. I had my first real job at Bashor Children’s Home with behaviorally challenged students from area public schools. (1.5yrs)

That was pretty much the hardest job ever but I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the friends I made there! We still get together & do play dates with our kiddos.

I honestly learned so much about myself at Bashor. I even learned what behaviors of my own needed modifying.

I’m pretty sure I learned more about learning in those 19 months than I did in my 5 years of college.

Bashor has helped me look at how I communicate with others, how to problem solve difficult situations, how to talk about emotions, how to teach kids to be able to process their emotions, how to step back and let them learn, as well as many other skills.

With the plans of starting a family I then went to an office job. Summit Fiberglass. I learned real life skills here! (1yr)

My job was to work with vendors, customers, coworkers in the office, coworkers in the shop, my brother-in-law & his dad.

I learned about big picture thinking here. I saw how a fairly small company was run & was privy to some of the behind the scenes decisions. I enjoyed this job but once Noah was born, it couldn’t compete.

I’ve reflected on these working experiences because tonight we celebrate my father-in-law’s retirement.

He’s been dedicated & loyal to AM General for almost 30 years. Thirty Years! I haven’t even lived for as long as he’s worked there!

I can only imagine all that he’s learned while working for AM General. I have to imagine that at times he thought that it was too difficult & to go else where.

But to think that he’s stuck around through the ups & downs is pretty cool.

I’d say it’s rare for anyone to work for a company that long!

It was inspiring to hear from others what type of example he’s been over the years.

Tonight we celebrate your determination, hard work & dedication.

Happy Retirement, Dad!

Selfless Sacrifices

Regardless of your stance on war, guns, world powers, politics, or necessary freedoms; those who have and are serving deserve at least a moment of respect today.

Individuals have fought for a cause they passionately believe in, freedom. Again, regardless of my personal thoughts, sacrifices were and are continuing to be made.

Individuals left the comfort of home, trained, served, and very likely have experienced a loss.

That may be a loss of a friend, an extremity, hearing, vision or just normal life experiences.

When they were away from home, life didn’t stop. Babies grew. Friendships changed.

When they returned life was different for them & they return with their war experiences.

I can’t speak to this situation with a lot of authority, as I don’t have a loved one that has served (during my lifetime).

What I do know, is that today’s celebrations were originally about more than a cookout.

Do your Memorial Day plans include a thank you, a phone call, a Facebook post, a thankful prayer or a gathering?

Our family is taking today to enjoy each other. That, in my opinion, reflects respect towards the military sacrifices. It’s a celebration of my personal value of family.

I appreciate those that have sacrificed, no matter how small.

I appreciate the families that sacrificed when their loved one is gone.

I appreciate the day to spend with family.

Perhaps, just a simple acknowledgement or display of empathy is how you decide to say thanks.

However you choose to celebrate, make today about more than a just cookout.